my services

Clinical and Therapeutic Nutrition


This is a service that I offer either by itself or together with the Holistic Health Coaching & Lifestyle Adjustments offer.
It is focused solely on nutrition and eating habits, with nutritional plans that are created for each and every individual specifically based on their health background, their goals and needs.
Our goal is to create sustainable change that you choose to keep in your daily routine for the rest of your life because you can see and feel the benefits that it brings with it!

How it works

Depending on your background and your current eating habits we create a smooth transition to healthier eating habits step by step. A Mediterranean Diet as well as a Whole-food Plant Based Diet are the two main diet categories that we base our practice on, as they are also ideal to sustain for long periods of time, as well as easier to implement both at home and out of home.
When we have established this core way of eating, we dive deeper into cleansing periods, if and when we feel that it is needed. Of course you have to be on board too. This process might include high-raw food days, raw food days, only-fruit days, mono-mealing days, juice fast and water fast days.
*Through the cleanses I provide 24/7 support and guidance for you.

First Consultation

Because these programs are highly individualised, we first have an initial consultation that might last up to 90 minutes where we talk about your health history, your diet and eating habits. Together we set a goal and a time-frame for our collaboration.
The initial consultation costs 999dkk/130€ and comes together with questionnaires that you have to fill out prior.

Follow-up Consultations

In the first consultation we create the nutritional plan for the first week and then we continue with weekly 30 minute sessions where we create the plan for the week ahead, depending on your preferences, the challenges you face and creating a better balance while also seeing results along the way.
These weekly follow-up 30 minute sessions plus weekly nutritional plans cost 599dkk/80€ each but can also be purchased as a package of 12 at the price of 5999dkk/800€ (1189dkk discount) which can be used in a course of 3-4 months.

first consultation: 999dkk/130€


bundle price: 5999dkk/800€

sessions: 12

package duration: 3-4 months

session duration: 30 mins

Package of Clinical & Therapeutic Nutrition
+ Holistic Health Coaching

If you decide to pair the Clinical & Therapeutic Nutrition Offer with the Holistic Health Coaching Offer there is a
20% discount in the total amount as a package of 12 and 12 sessions (Total of 10.399dkk/1400€ for a course of 3-4 months).
Send me a message and let’s book your initial consultation!
*If you are experiencing financial difficulties, but would really like my help, do not let this be an obstacle. Contact me and let’s find a solution.

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